Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Marketing _W2a

Marketing _W2a

Q 1. What are the responsibilities of companies in this or similar situations? 2. What could Nestlé have done to have avoided the accusations of “killing Third World babies” and still market its product? 3. After Nestlé’s experience, how do you suggest it, or any other company, can protect itself in the future? 4. Assume you are the one who had to make the final decision on whether or not to promote and market Nestlé’s baby formula in Third World countries. Read the section titled “Ethical and Socially Responsible Decisions” in Chapter 5 as a guide to examine the social responsibility and ethical issues regarding the marketing approach and the promotion used. Were the decisions socially responsible? Were they ethical?5. What advice would you give to Nestlé now in light of the new problem of HIV infection being spread via mothers’ milk?

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In my opinion the primary responsibility of companies in such a situation would be to primarily clarify their image to the target market. The loyal buyers of Nestle expect a lot from the brand. However when such a scandal comes into being it becomes obvious that the trust that the usual customers have from the brand falls to a great extent. The loss is more fatal to the reputation of the brand if the company is actually not at fault. In such a scenario thus the primary task of the brand would be to reconstruct the brand image as soon as possible.